Meet your new instructor:

Lul Haji

| Licensed Mental Health Professional
| Certified Professional Life & Relationship Coach
| Over 13 Years of Experience

A 12 -week immersive,
self-paced course.

EmpowerHer is the first-ever online program designed to help ambitious women heal their deepest “core wounds” and reprogram their subconscious mind for unshakeable confidence, limitless success, and radical fulfillment.
EmpowerHer isn’t just another self-help program…It’s the first-ever transformational system designed specifically to help ambitious women identify and dissolve their limiting beliefs and step into an unapologetic new you.
Gain access to a proven, 12-week system that combines cutting-edge neuroscience, trauma-informed coaching, and transformational identity work to help you shatter glass ceilings, skyrocket your income, and unapologetically be you.
(Without spending years in therapy, reliving painful memories, or sacrificing your feminine energy!)

Inside you'll learn:

EmpowerHer is a result of my professional training, earned expertise, and personal experience—I’ve become one of those women people ask, ‘How did you do it?!’ and I’m sharing it all inside this course. The woman I am today wasn’t an accident, and becoming the best version of yourself won’t be, either.
You can rise above and claim your confidence today.
Take your next step. Join me inside! Link

The 5-Minute Core-Wound Reprogramming Technique

Your brain has been living in these false beliefs, these wounds, for far too long.
And what this reprogramming technique does is…
SHOCK you into changing patterns….
It’s a form of hypnotic reprogramming where…

Go Into a Trance

Search Deep Inside Your Subconscious

Erase The False Beliefs That No Longer Serve You

Once You Heal Your “Core Wounds” You’ll Start To:

Join the 100+ of Women Who Crushed Their Limiting
Beliefs and Stepped Into a Fearless Future

Working with Lul has changed the trajectory of my life. The mentoring and coaching I receive from her has helped me change my limiting beliefs. Being a single mother and small business owner at times felt like too much to manage. The confidence that Lul has helped me build has allowed me to not just succeed, but excel in my professional and personal life.


Having you as my therapist was truly exceptional. It was my first venture into this journey and I sought a therapist with a background similar to mine. Your service proved invaluable, particularly in addressing my inner child wounds. As I embarked on this path of self-discovery and healing under your guidance, I am immensely grateful for the profound impact it has had on my life. From the moment I began this journey with your assistance, discussing homework assignments and delving into meaningful conversations, I felt reassured that I was in capable hands.


Super professional but yet personable. Highly recommended. You will not be disappointed!


“Lul’s teaching and coaching on core wounds has definitely helped shift my life for the better. Before therapy, I was unaware of what a core wound was and had been going about life thinking my trauma responses were “normal”.
After much guidance from Lul – identifying my core wounds, talking through triggers and trauma responses, I was able to heal through what I had been accepting all my life. I can see a change in the way I show up and respond to the familial, platonic, and romantic relationships in my life.
In addition, her coaching and guidance through limiting beliefs has helped me through navigating as a black woman in supply chain. I am now more vocal when it comes to negotiating my pay, asking for support and setting boundaries in those spaces. I recommend Lul’s coaching for those who were once crippled by their limiting beliefs and core wounds.”

Private Client

I have been with Lul since early May, going on 2 years now and I don’t even recognize the person I was when I look back at that time period in my life. In the beginning, we focused more on talk therapy and really finding out who I was as a person. Being a freshman in college and trying to navigate the adult world was hard enough, but being able to have therapy every week really helped.
Once I started to realize the patterns I would make with certain people in my life, Lul and I started shifting gears to heal different underlying wounds that I didn’t know I had. One of the biggest things we’ve been working on lately is attachment styles and how that translates into my relationships with people. Having an anxious avoidant attachment style, I have learned so much in the way I communicate with people and why I feel the way that I do.
This also ties into my limiting beliefs I could have about myself. Once Lul advised me to start writing my own narrative about what I want to do with my life, I have seen so much change in not only my mindset, but reality as well.

Private Client

The problem is most women don’t even know

They Have Unhealed Core Wounds That’s Stopping Them From Speaking up, Taking Risks, or Starting a Business

I never knew I had these “internal wounds” until I took a deep look into my past and realized how much my grandmother’s words had impacted me.
Ever since I was young my grandma always use to tell me to know my place and keep quiet.
As if my opinions and skills didn’t matter at all.
That’s why I developed feelings of unworthiness and false beliefs that my thoughts and opinions don’t matter.
I let these limiting beliefs internalize & dictate my every move for over 30 years.
This is the main reason why I always put others’ happiness above mine, constantly people-pleasing and neglecting my own needs.
I just gave and gave, supporting everyone else but me, thinking “that’s just the way it is”.
Not realizing that I was sacrificing my own dreams, aspirations, and well-being in the process.

Nothing Changes Until You Discover How To Go Back Into the Past and Heal

It doesn’t matter how many therapy sessions you go to.
How many self-help books you read or mindfulness apps you download.
The truth is these solutions often fail to address the root cause of your struggles – the deep-seated core wounds that have been holding you back since childhood.
Without directly confronting and healing these wounds, you’ll continue to find yourself stuck in the same self-defeating patterns.
And what I’ve discovered working with hundreds of clients and entrepreneurs,
Is that it all comes down to identifying the deeply rooted, often unconscious beliefs that are holding you back.
The stories you’ve been telling yourself about your worth, your capabilities, and your place in the world.
And healing your “core wounds”.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

If after everything I’ve shown you, you’re still not convinced EmpowerHer will help you…
Then don’t worry because I made sure that you can try the program risk-free.
You can get instant access to everything we just talked about today.
Use all the powerful strategies inside, to change your relationship with yourself forever, remove all the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
And if for any reason (or no reason at all) you find that core wound clearing doesn’t work for you.
All you have to do is send me an email.
And I’ll personally see to it you get every single penny back right away.


Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Join EmpowerHer Today

Total Value: $2,600+

Today's Price:


One Time Payment. Money-Back Guarantee.

What Do These Powerful Women
Have That Others Don’t?

Sheryl Sandberg

Ex COO of Facebook

She silently suffered in isolation, struggling to get back to her life after her husband passed away. After months of grieving she found a way to become more resilient and finally found the courage to get back to her life and career.

Oprah Winfrey

World-Renowned Talk Show Host, T.V. producer, Actress, Author, and Media Proprietor

Born into poverty, she faced a difficult and traumatic childhood. She was repeatedly abused from the age 9 to 13 by relatives and family members. Despite everything she still maintained her focus and dedication to her studies and went to get a full scholarship and move on with her life.

Barbara Corcoran

Ruthless Business Women Worth $100M, Investor & Famous T.V. Personality in Shark Tank

Barbara struggled the whole time she was in school. Teachers and classmates used to call her the “dumb kid”. At the same time she also discovered she had dyslexia but that didn’t matter, in fact, all the bullying and ridiculing made her work harder than driving her to become a wildly successful business woman.

Mary Barra

CEO of General Motors

Despite her struggles in a male-dominated auto industry, Barra worked her way up through the ranks during GM’s turbulent times and eventually became the first female CEO of a major U.S. automaker.

Frequently Asked Questions

EmpowerHer is a comprehensive 12-week program designed to help female entrepreneurs identify and heal their core wounds, enabling them to break free from limiting beliefs and unlock their full potential.
This program is specifically tailored for female entrepreneurs who feel held back by their past experiences, struggle with self-doubt, and want to cultivate a more empowered and confident mindset.
EmpowerHer is unique in its approach, combining Integrated Attachment Theory and powerful techniques like the 5-minute pattern interrupt to address the root cause of limiting beliefs and create lasting change.
By the end of the program, you can expect to have a deeper understanding of your core wounds, a toolkit of techniques to overcome limiting beliefs, and a renewed sense of confidence and empowerment in your personal and professional life.
The program is divided into 12 weekly modules, each focusing on a specific aspect of healing core wounds and developing a growth mindset. Each module includes video lessons, exercises, and actionable strategies.
To get the most out of the program, we recommend setting aside 2-3 hours per week to watch the video lessons and complete the exercises. However, the 5-minute pattern interrupt technique can be incorporated into your daily routine for ongoing benefits.
Yes, once you enroll in the program, you’ll have lifetime access to all the content, allowing you to work through the modules at a pace that suits your schedule.
Yes, as part of your enrollment, you’ll have access to a private community forum where you can connect with other participants, share your experiences, and receive guidance from the program facilitators.
If you’re a female entrepreneur who feels held back by past experiences or limiting beliefs, this program is designed for you. However, if you’re still unsure, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try the program risk-free.
While everyone’s journey is unique, many participants report feeling a shift in their mindset and an increased sense of empowerment within the first few weeks of the program. Consistent application of the techniques leads to more significant and lasting changes.